19th century marriage advice

she was to be man’s assistant.” alcott goes on to argue that leaving her father’s house and removing to that of her husband is in and of itself an act of submission in the young bride. is she to refuse her only chance at matrimony simply because her suitor does not live up to the religious, moral, and intellectual ideals enumerated in a marriage manual? but whether her new husband was a drunkard, a wastrel, or a man prone to using the vilest of curses in his daily conversation, all of the marriage manuals i have researched provide the same advice.

addressing the young wife, he reasons: “you have more of the ill consequences to endure: home must be the centre of a woman’s happiness; make that miserable, and the light of her days has faded.” a version of this sentiment is echoed in other 19th century marriage manuals. letters to a young lady in which the duties and character of women are considered. the apple logo is a trademark of apple inc., registered in the u.s. and other countries.

the foremost of these duties, according to the manual, is the duty to provide for his new bride and future children. if allowed to run amok, she may even drive the young husband away and: “when the husband is driven from his home by a termagant, he will seek enjoyment, which is denied him at his own house, in the haunts of vice, and in the riots of intemperance.” this is as much the young husband’s fault as that of the errant wife. this is of paramount importance since, according to the manual, a gentleman who is truly in love is not at all attractive to the object of his affections, whereas a gentleman who is merely trifling with a lady is possessed of consummate skill.

but it is important for us to also recognize the solemn burden which was placed on the young husband of the 19th century: “having made your choice, and obtained the object of your desire, let it be your ambition that both she and those who gave her to you may ever find increasing cause to rejoice in the union.” *this article is the first in a two part series on 19th century marriage manuals. her only hope is to distinguish herself by making the biggest splash in the one sphere she excels: on horseback. the apple logo is a trademark of apple inc., registered in the u.s. and other countries.

“he must be less than man who does not regard them as a most sacred deposit, and devote every energy and every care to their perfect 1 first, downplay your talents ; 2 get “the talk” from mom on your wedding day ; 3 don’t make love purely for pleasure or fun ; 4 don’t make love a woman has been sharing hilarious sex tips from the 1800s, including what not to do on your wedding night., marriage advice from the 1900s, marriage advice from the 1900s, 19th century marriage manuals, 1940s marriage advice, historical marriage advice.

nearly all 19th-century marital advice shuns the biblical idea of blood proof of virginity. one dr. napheys says to know if your wife is truly a virgin, sixty-three nineteenth-century marriage manuals were studied as a means of in importantly in the advice given to young people. sex, on the other hand, was more problematic, especially for the 19th century advice givers. one thing alcott knew for sure was that married, victorian marriage rules, love and marriage in the 19th century, victorian wedding night, weird marriage advice, woman shares marriage advice from 1800, old fashioned wedding night advice, mate choice and domestic life in the nineteenth century marriage manual, 19th century honeymoon, victorian marriage laws, advice for young husbands. marriage advice from the 1800s: 12 insane ‘tips’ all women werekeep your rank or lose your friends. say yes to the first offer. give him warning if you want any rights. don’t complain if he’s not great. let him win every argument. never wear makeup. always look good u2014 but not too good.

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