advice for a long marriage

the perfect marriage or generally attaining perfection as many of us know is not realistic. the answers to a long-lasting marriage aren’t always so direct, as the definition of a perfect marriage can be different for everyone. the number one thing to be resilient in the face of adversity is understanding how to compromise. this means knowing the needs and priorities of your partner and vice versa to clearly communicate and find common ground. understanding and being in tune with your feelings and emotions can help you show compassion towards your partner in times of conflict.

trust is a major indicator of a resilient marriage and one of the most important things to keep strong in a marriage. the last thing you want to happen in your marriage is to feel like you are platonic roommates. if you feel respected by your spouse and vice versa, you will grow security and confidence in your marriage. having a solid friendship with your spouse is the foundation of a happy marriage. by being your spouse’s friend, you will strengthen your relationship long-term and will know that you will be by each other’s side no matter what. even when kids and “life” come into the picture, continuing to make your marriage a priority is a crucial factor in a long-lasting marriage.

but sharing your life with another person can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience with relationships. marriages take work, commitment, and love, but they also need respect to be truly happy and successful. below are some important keys to work on each day to make your marriage successful. talking with your spouse is one of the best ways to keep your marriage healthy and successful. part of good communication is being a good listener and taking the time to understand what it is your spouse wants and needs from you. appreciate each other, your relationship, your family, and your lives together. it may help to take a few minutes each evening to tell each other at least one thing you appreciated that day. with work and family responsibilities, it can be easy to lose the romance factor. if you have children, send them on a play date while you relax, talk, and enjoy each other’s company.

everyone needs time to recharge, think, and enjoy personal interests. when you’re back together with your spouse, you’ll appreciate each other even more. you won’t agree on everything, but it is important to be fair and respectful during disagreements. walk away and calm down if you need to, then discuss the problem again when you’re both in a better frame of mind. marriage therapist and researcher john gottman, ph.d., has found that criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling are serious threats to a marriage. his decades of research and of working with couples have shown that spouses who stay together know how to fight without being hostile and to take responsibility for their actions. they are also more likely to respond quickly to each other’s wishes to make up after fights and repair the relationship. but it’s important to deal with your feelings, let them go, and move on. remember to remain committed to your spouse, your family, and the life that you have built together. you, your spouse, and your relationship may grow and change with time, but these ideas can help your marriage stay successful over the years.

1. let your partner know you’re thinking about them throughout the day. ; 2. and let them express their feelings first. ; 3. accept your partner for who they are. “try to listen to one another. don’t go to bed angry. cooperate in taking care of family affairs. know how to say you’re wrong about something. love them for who they are. make love even when you are not in the mood. trust each other. give each other the benefit of the doubt always. be transparent. have, funny advice for married couples, funny advice for married couples, long marriage quotes, funny marriage advice from old couples, advice from old married couples.

tips on how to keep your relationship thriving, year after year. keep the peace keep growing stay flexible show your love don’t keep score. 23 damn good pieces of marriage advice ; assume the best of one another stop stonewalling ; communicate respectfully always be flexible. “always show that you value each other’s strengths and forgive each other’s weaknesses. always extend grace when possible. you want to give your, marriage tips for wife, marriage advice never forget to, 15 tips for a successful marriage, relationship advice for couples, marriage advice for the bride to be, best marriage advice quotes, the happy marriage tricks anyone can learn, secret to a happy marriage, marriage advice for newlyweds speech, marriage tips for husbands.

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