advice for people getting married

one thing remains, however: couples must know what works for them and be intentional about weeding out the bad habits that can sink their relationship. you have to strive for contentedness, which is a continuous state of mind, and one that feels doable. but it’s necessary to maintain the assumption that your partner — however flawed and irritating they seem at times — had the best results in mind, despite the result. in this way you will both have pride for yourselves and each other in the ways you got to the other side.” she adds, “keep in mind, too, that your partner will likely change over time, so a shared sense of curiosity — being open to the ways in which he or she changes — can allow you to identify the ways you’ve changed as well.” spoiler alert: everyone screws up, says dumb things, gets stuff wrong. in the worst-case scenarios, the invalidation can devolve into situations that can be humiliating and degrading (“don’t listen to him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about”).

it’s a learned behavior — and one that can be very difficult to fight. when you’re busy, this means putting it on a schedule and sticking to it. but you can have a night on the couch or a neighborhood walk that is planned and intentionally date-ish. having your partner hear what you’re saying, appreciate you, and understand you speaks to a basic need for connection. by investing in yourself and your own well-being, it shows your partner that you want to be at your best for them.

anytime we say goodbye, we always say, ‘i love you’; and we make sure to thank the other for all the things we do. it just makes sure you never take the other for granted and they know it.” you learn and grow with each other and find new things to love.” gain your partner’s perspective before rushing to anger. it also takes a lot of trust and respect. not anyone else’s, so don’t compare it to your friends’ relationships. the best advice i can give is don’t talk badly about your spouse to other people. is it really that big of a deal that he leaves his underwear on the floor? —sarahh4cb069f9b the secret is to say what’s bothering you. don’t expect the other person to read your mind.

if the love is legit, they won’t leave you because you calmly ask them to pick up wet towels or rinse their plate before they put it in the sink. it’s embarrassing to release the pressure, but it’s painful if you don’t!” i say it’s the fact that we continue to enjoy each other’s company (meaning, we still crack each other up).” the one thing my husband and i have to remind ourselves is compromise isn’t 50/50. —alexandras45fe1a7cb “my husband and i like to spin our story like this — i don’t love you for who you are, i love you for who you make me. —kang-shykuy “my husband and i dated long distance for two and a half years and the best thing for us was communicating everything. another big thing is understanding what makes them feel loved, because it’s not always the same as your own needs. you can be committed to someone and keep your financial independence.” —beccalina “my relationship got a lot better when i stopped listening to other people’s advice, and started listening to what i knew to be true between my husband and me. people mean well, but no one knows what’s best for you and your partner aside from you and your partner.”

23 damn good pieces of marriage advice ; assume the best of one another stop stonewalling ; communicate respectfully always be flexible. 1. choose to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other. 2. always answer the phone when your husband/wife is praise them when they get something right or accomplish something they’ve been wanting to get done. cheer them on. believe in them. support them, funny marriage advice for newlyweds, funny marriage advice for newlyweds, best marriage advice quotes, marriage advice for the bride to be, marriage advice for newlyweds speech.

before we even get into what you should do in your relationship, let’s start with what not to do. don’t ever be with someone because someone else pressured you the most sage advice i got came from an orthodox jewish wife and mother in jerusalem, raising six children. “it’s easy to lose yourself in a “make sure you still pursue interests and hobbies that make you happy. do not expect your partner to always make you happy. as we mature and, marriage advice from old couples, funny marriage advice for newlyweds speech, old fashioned marriage advice, funny, advice for married couples having problems, parents advice to newlyweds, godparents advice to newlyweds, cute advice for newlyweds, relationship advice for couples, marriage advice for bridal shower funny, wishes and advice for the bride answers. 25 pieces of marriage advice from couples who’ve been together 25accept and allow. imagine life without your partner. crack jokes. don’t be so damn stubborn. choose your own adventure. do the work. you won’t always be on the same page. bite your tongue.

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