dating an ftm advice

i can speak here only of my experiences over the years of dating straight women, and hope that i can give others insight/hope/understanding with just a few pointers. really there’s just the one, and it’s entirely contentious as to whether that even is a con. and even if i don’t really know what it’s like to be a woman. if i ever found myself in a situation of coming out to a potential partner and have their response be “oh wow, me too!” mine would be “oh my gosh, that’s awesome! i feel sorry for you, because it seems that you are only validated by having a penis (seeing how you list it as a con, as well as saying that you haven’t had sex properly because you don’t have one) and have a really facile understanding of gender…i’m so glad i didn’t read this as a baby trans boy, i would have been all screwed up. it’s just a blessing to understand what it is like as a female or female presenting person, and doesn’t define how i view myself.

and i say that as a queer activist myself. and i say that as a queer activist myself. i gave birth to my kids and was married to a cisgender man. i think that the way i feel about myself and present myself, the way that i take care of my body, and so on – this is part of my physicality, too, and part of what has allowed attractions to happen and flourish. i can see you have done a lot of homework and given this topic much thought. i don’t want to be that girl that accidentally says something and then leads him into a state of depression or something. i appreciate your care in this but would tell you to not let it stop you.

but there is always that edge of not only knowing that you have to tell them soon, but the physical and emotional restraint that has to come with this. that is a person i am very happy and proud to be. of course, being trans is not the only reason i may get a rejection, but it’s the only one that really stings. but thankfully i have had enough positive experiences by now to know that this is not the way it’ll always go and hence i know i’ll bounce. ;) i transitioned when i was in a lesbian relationship, and that relationship didn’t survive my transition.

i hadn’t noticed, but she had taken a few weeks off from seeing me to process the fact that i was trans and to think about whether or not she could be with someone who was trans. i felt very, very identified with this for the simply fact that i’m a straight trans man who is somehow afraid of being alone. i don’t want that to be determining my life to that extent, and in a negative or limiting way, you know? i was also thinking i’d just have to accept being alone too, but this (and the previous) article have restored my hope. i can’t profess to know what it’s like for another trans guy but for me personally, it’s important to feel that my partner accepts and enjoys my body, as that’s a very difficult thing for me to do and knowing someone else can, makes it possible for me.

generally i’ll subtly weave a trans topic into conversation to establish their feelings on the subject. assuming they pass that litmus test, and let that make you a stronger, more insightful, thoughtful and resilient person and don’t let a rejection stop you from letting the people you don’t consider yourself any less straight for dating a trans man. we’re not men-lite or women. don’t say “a transgender”. it’s like saying “a, ftm relationship problems, ftm relationship problems, straight female dating ftm, okcupid, ftm dating reddit.

be prepared to deal with bigotry if you decide to date someone who is transgender. there will be people out there who will hate, be jealous, 3 transgender men answer questions about dating, sex and their bodies so you don’t have to ask them. language for body parts is different for all trans people. try to be open to how he uses his body and please be respectful. he may want to be, trans man meaning, transmasculine, am i trans?.

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