godly advice for married couples

if you and your spouse are a christian couple, no matter how young or old you are, there is something that is strategically different about your relationship than simply a marriage as understood by the world at large. if you view your marriage in this way, it will make things line up and anything that happens in your marriage becomes understandable in relation to your prime directive as a disciple of christ. in this light, whatever happens between you can be best understood as god working with/in/for you to grow you and challenge you to new vistas of faith. for which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? ‘” – luke 14:26-30 christian marriage is the greatest thing that god uses to drive you to growth (translate: struggle, quandary, death to self, and emerging into new levels of faith). many of the heroes of faith in hebrews 11 saw something from afar – things that contradicted their current experience – but they believed in the benevolence, relevance, and ability of a promiser.

as a result, we turn the volume down on expectations of marriage, turn the volume down on hopes and lofty dreams, and settle for less. based on some of the above concepts, christian marriage counseling will be entirely different from counseling that has a humanistic foundation and goals. my hope is to help you discover the wonderful joys and strength that lie beneath the pain and trauma you might be facing. whatever challenges you face, i offer you a safe place for you to discover all that god can do for your life. my hope is to help you discover the wonderful joys and strength that lie beneath the pain and trauma you might be facing. whatever challenges you face, i offer you a safe place for you to discover all that god can do for your life.

it was the fall of 2008. i’d met a girl and i couldn’t get her out of my mind. we had gotten to know each other in the company of mutual friends over the course of several months. i had a window with which to look into her life as we spent time together in the same church community. our marriage has been through its fair share of challenges, but we’ve grown closer to the lord and one another as we enjoy jesus together. we were so preoccupied with one another’s affection that the world around us faded from view. too many people look for a spouse to meet a deep sense of need in their own lives. a spouse can meet our needs to a degree, but not in full. don’t expect your spouse to be and do for you what only jesus can be and do for you. almost every conflict in our marriage has been related to a lack of communication. don’t assume that your spouse knows what you’re thinking and feeling.

if you’re not sure what your spouse is thinking or feeling, ask them. little foxes are the subtle influences that often go unnoticed in a relationship. you’ve got to identify the habits that could sabotage your marriage and deal with them, quick. we so often try too hard to make our spouse “get us” that we fail to get them in the process. take the time to listen, to ask questions and to really get your spouse. it can be tempting to critique your spouse in an area of your strength during a disagreement, but that’s not fair. instead, aim for objective dialogue about the circumstance itself. newlyweds are often told that marriage is for holiness, not just for happiness, but the opposite is also true. the key is to take hold of one, without letting go of the other. for in this we get a taste of heaven. we’ve enjoyed seven quality years of marriage and with these seven practices; we hope to enjoy many more.

1. realize that christian marriage is part of your discipleship. 2. make your spouse your number one priority. 3. evaluate and adjust your some practical christian marriage advice for newlyweds 3. the importance of communication cannot be overstated. 4. catch the foxes. 5. seek focus on your spouse’s strengths rather than their weaknesses. encourage rather than criticize. pray for your spouse instead of gossiping about them. learn, the best marriage advice i’ve ever heard, christian couple tips, christian couple tips, christian advice for bride to be, advice for engaged couples christian.

you hear a lot of advice before you get married. “keep a date night.” “never go to bed angry.” “make your relationship the first priority.”. the best christian marriage advice for young couples is to remember to talk to each other every best marriage advice for christian marriages 1. love in a christian marriage should not look anything like you see on tv. 2. forgiveness must be the, religious advice for marriages, pastor advice on marriage, christian marriage quotes, godparents advice to newlyweds, what is the purpose of marriage in christianity, biblical marriage principles pdf, bible for newlyweds, best christian advice, christian marriage counseling, god’s purpose for marriage. 6 essential ingredients for a godly marriagefaithfulness. when we say our vows at the altar, we promise to be faithful to one another for as long as we live. honor. humility. patience. understanding. unity.

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