marriage advice from 1800s

moriarty, from scotland, uploaded a clip on monday, as she revealed what new brides would have been mindful of in the victorian era. “the proper time for sexual indulgence is an important consideration, inasmuch as carelessness in this respect may lead to dyspepsia, indigestion, and other affections of the stomach. but it was moriarty’s clip from september that attracted nearly 1.5 million views, which can be seen here, as this time she shared some updated advice—from 1894.

“many men obtain a major portion of their satisfaction from peaceful exhaustion immediately after the act is over. if he lifts her gown and attempts to kiss her anyplace else she should quickly pull the gown back in place, spring from the bed, and announce that nature calls her to the toilet.” but it’s not just the 1800s that has some sage advice for women, as a clip detailing bedroom antics from the 1920s also went down a storm, amassing more than a million views after being shared in september. “unless of course, the wife herself is of a passionate nature and demands frequent satisfaction, in such cases the husband will comply with his wife’s wishes as far as he can without injuring his health.”

weddings today are certainly different than they were in the victorian era. or, at least, that’s what author therese oneill makes a case for in the book, unmentionable: the victorian lady’s guide to sex, marriage, and manners.though it unearths some not-so-pretty facts from that time period, therese makes it clear that she’s not judging victorians. “for a wife to work was to declare that her husband was incompetent and could not provide for his family,” says oneill. the (almost entirely male) marriage experts of the day were unanimous in the belief that “a mother was downright cruel to send her daughter off to her nuptial bed without telling her what awaited her,” says oneill. “these doctors very seldom cited anything remotely connected to science for their beliefs, but they didn’t need to,” says oneill.

the thinking was that a child conceived during a less-than-exciting encounter would itself to be dull and absent-minded. in a world where a woman was at the mercy of her husband’s mood and decisions, she might find a lot to complain about,” says oneill. women were encouraged to look fashionable, “but not too fashionable so that she strained her husband’s pocketbook or appeared to be putting on airs,” says oneill. by the same token, wives were expected to look “alluring, but not too alluring,” says oneill. if a victorian wife learned that her husband had been unfaithful, the advice of the day warranted discretion. slighted wives could take solace in the fact that they were still the mrs., the one he would always have to take care of first, says oneill.

“if he attempts to kiss her hand, she should make a fist. if he lifts her gown and attempts to kiss her anyplace else she should quickly pull 1 first, downplay your talents ; 2 get “the talk” from mom on your wedding day ; 3 don’t make love purely for pleasure or fun ; 4 don’t make love we often think of antique relationship advice found in dusty books marriage advice became a minor industry starting in the 1800s., marriage advice from the 1900s, marriage advice from the 1900s, 1940s marriage advice, historical marriage advice, weird marriage advice.

ladies were considered wise to take the vow to “obey” their husband very seriously back then, as lanfear says, u201ca sensible woman, to preserve the peace and secure the affections of her husband, will often sacrifice her own inclinations to his.u201d don’t be in such a hurry to consummate, anyway. that fruit is going to taste pretty bland once it’s no longer forbidden, according to mrs. e.b. duffey in her 5. employ yourself in household affairs. 6. wait till your husband confides to you those of a higher importance, and do not give your advice, victorian advice to young brides, marriage in victorian era, woman shares marriage advice from 1800, victorian marriage laws, advice for young wives, old-fashioned marriage advice funny, victorian era marriage age, the godly marriage victorian book, advice for young husbands, victorian husband’s.

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