christian wedding planning

no matter your budget, you can have a wedding you envision and not break the bank. you will need to address all those and so much more, but the first place we would tell you to begin wedding planning is to work on your guest list. your wedding guests number will affect the size of your venue, which will affect the date of our wedding for availability. if the spending budget begins to get out of hand, you may have to begin cutting people from your list. find help in our blogs below or we also

advice for christian wives

rather than their weaknesses. encourage rather than criticize. pray for your spouse instead of gossiping about them. learn, biblical advice for marriage problems, spiritual marriage advice, christian advice for bride to be, christian couple tips, religious advice for marriages, christian marriage quotes, christian advice on dating, best christian advice, christian marriage articles, god's advice for wives. christian marriage advicerealize that christian marriage is part of your discipleship

online dating christian advice

we’re on a mission to change that. a podcast listener named nathan writes in to ask, “is online christian dating a good way to meet a future spouse if you don’t meet anyone through your church family?” the biblical issue here is not how you meet, but whom you marry. let’s just get this clear and then i will circle around to the other part. so, a christian is not free to marry outside the lord. or 2 corinthians 6:14: “do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.” biblically, the

marital help

the secret to a healthy and growing relationship is your ability to overcome these problems. these are the top strategies to solve your marriage problems, no matter what it is that is causing the troubles. one of the most common hurdles to solving marriage problems is when you and your partner don’t see eye to eye when it comes to your marital issues. one spouse is willing to discuss the problem and the other doesn’t find it a big deal. when you are in an argument with your spouse, it is easy

advice for officiating a wedding

this can be a lovely choice especially when the friend is prepared for the task. if the bridesmaids are wearing floor-length gowns, choose a black long gown. ipads are a common choice for the ceremony script but have a backup plan. your best bet is to have a hard copy printed and ready to go at both the rehearsal and ceremony. if there is a planner or coordinator for the wedding, she will help with the processional, spacing for the couple and wedding party, and the recessional. if that’s the

private marriage guidance counselling

for this reason, i want to offer you a few quick tips to help you find a competent and effective couples therapist who can support you in transforming your relationship challenges into material to build a stronger and more meaningful bond. furthermore, not all therapists who do get the couples therapy training receive supervision from certified therapists of that method to ensure they are applying the techniques and interventions in ways that can lead to changes for the client’s relationship.