sustainable event management

through a practice known as sustainable event management, organizers of events large and small can find processes that protect the environment while creating an experience that attendees will enjoy. according to a 2016 sustainability report of the event, in 2012 organizers “launched the zero waste challenge to control event materials and educate attendees so no waste is sent to the landfill. as the lollapalooza example illustrates, partnerships with eco-friendly businesses and organizations

Living Will Template

Living will is a legal document instructing what actions should be taken for their health in the event that they are no longer able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity. Living Will and Living Trust When preparing your living will, it is important to distinguish between living will and living trust. A Living Will is a written paper where you put your wishes about how you want your health care to be handled if you should become incapacitated and unable to make health care decisions

the business of event planning

if you're just entering the profession of special events, there's a lucrative market awaiting you on many fronts." planners of an event may handle any or all of the following tasks related to that event: how many of these activities your business engages in will depend on the size and type of a particular event, which will, in turn, depend on the specialization you choose. because of the research and study it takes to become a csep or cmp, clients know that these planners are professionals.

product launch event planning

a launch event is an excellent way to showcase your latest product, build hype around it, and even acquire some sales right at the event. also, if you cater to a local demographic, the venue should also be fairly close to your business. the theme, of course, should be related to the product, or at least to your industry. the activities you offer should serve as a lead-in for the product. your new product launch event should be informative first and foremost. the goal is to deliver a win-win

wedding budget hk

from the average costs of typical wedding expenses in hong kong to tips on where to save and splurge, check out our guide to budgeting for your special day. here is a breakdown of the typical expenses in a traditional hong kong wedding – and less costly options you can consider. for bridesmaid lai see, it is acceptable to budget hk$500 per bridesmaid, and add more to make the total sum for the entire group a number that ends with an “8” or “9” for luck. if you’re open to going for dates that

pakistani wedding budget

with a burkha policy in place in some parts of pakistan (apparently promoted by the govt. people, especially belonging to the middle and elite classes, have made it compulsory to put up a perfect image of a “wealthy household” by spending blindly on lavish weddings. apart from that, the age-old culture of amassing and giving a heavy dowry is so embedded in our society that it places an additional burden, especially on the bride’s family. their definition of a perfect wedding was quite unique