dating advice for ladies

you want to have a great date with someone you think has potential. but there are some dating rules for women you need to remember so you keep your own personal standards high and don’t let them dictate where the date goes. so the next time your friends set you up on a date, don’t be so fast to decline. [read: how to behave on a first date – 28 tips to impress your date in minutes] if you feel a bit nervous, it can be easy to drink a bit too much to try and calm yourself down. even if it goes

marriage advice for bridal shower

the results were a mix of fun and funny as well as very, very wise advice from unmarried lasses in their early 20s to ladies who had been married for up to 70 years. more than a few giggles ensued, but we also experienced an overwhelming sense of warmth and love and were compelled to share these answers with you. our personal favourite is the note from one of the women, a lovely lady who has been happily married for 43 years, who wrote: [there’s] ‘no holiday from good manners!’ she went on to

dating site advice

for instance, for our first date, joey made sure to pick a place near my apartment and at a time that made it easy for me. eventually i took the advice of my best guy friend, who told me that if i really wanted to meet a guy who was serious about a long-term relationship, i had to pay to be on a dating site—the now-defunct how about we. i went into it with an attitude of being open to and accepting of those differences, which weren’t small considering my family and i are from rizal, a province

best dating tips for women

ladies, are you tired of waiting and waiting for him to say come and say hi, but he never does? you came to the right place. browse through our articles to find the best ways to approach him. who knows, the love of your life might just be waiting for you to make a move. not sure what to send him (or her) to receive a reply immediately and have them thinking about you non-stop? we've got something for you: a hand-crafted texting guide with more than 50 remarkable texts that will work 100%⁠—just

tips for single ladies

rely on your intuition when you meet a new guy, but don’t be too judgmental or picky from the very first moment you meet him. don’t be afraid to let a guy take care of you now and then. instead, ask him questions, reveal how you feel and stop expecting a guy to read your mind all the time. enjoy your life and you’ll see that the world can be full of experiences and unexplored possibilities, even if you don’t have a ring around your finger. look for the right guy, but don’t put your life on

pope francis marriage advice

your lives become a single life; you become a “we” in loving communion with jesus, alive and present at every moment of your existence. dear spouses, know that your children – especially the younger ones – watch you attentively; in you they seek the signs of a strong and reliable love. children need a sense of security that can enable them to have confidence in you and in the beauty of your life together, and in the certainty that they will never be alone, whatever may come their way. let us