rental agreement template

Rental agreement is a legal document between two parties. It can be oral or written. It may be simple and brief, or it may contain extra conditions or obligations. Any and all changes or additions to a verbal or written rental agreement should always be noted in writing. A well-designed rental agreement template will save you time and include the necessary information. Rental agreement Types A rental agreement can be for a fixed period of time, a month to month period or a week to week period.

promissory note template

A promissory note is a contract where one party makes an unconditional promise in writing to pay a sum of money to the other either at a fixed or determinable future time or on demand of the payee, under specific terms. Promissory note is often referred as note payable in accounting. Creating a well designed promissory note template will save you time and increase your efficiency. Promissory Note and Personal Loan Note A Promissory Note is required when you have to obtain loan or make promise

birthday party invitation template

A birthday party is an excellent chance to acknowledge and to celebrate the life of the friend or family member. In preparing your birthday party invitation, a well-designed template will help you style your party invitation and save you time. Birthday Party Theme and Organization Birthday parties are important for both adults and children, especially for a child, he or she may have dreamed or desired for many days in advance. Gone are those days when birthday parties were held at home with a

gift certificate template

Gift certificate is becoming increasingly popular amongst people who have little time to shop or are not aware about the hobbies of the person. a well designed gift certificate template can help you achieve your target. Gift Certificate and Gift Gift card has become a popular option when considering giving gift to friends or family members. Gift card is normally issued by retailers as an alternative to an gift as the person who received the gift card can purchase things as they wish. It is

stock certificate templates

A stock certificate is a legal document that certifies ownership of a specific number of stock shares in a listed company. Stock certificates are generally divided into two forms: registered stock certificates and bearer stock certificates. You can use common tool to create a professional designed stock certificate template Stock Certificate Basics A registered stock certificate is normally only evidence of title, and a record of the true holders of the shares will appear in the stockholder's

consulting contract template

If you own a small business, you have probably entered into a contract with a consultant. a professional designed consulting contract template will save you time and increase your efficiency, the article introduce the key elements that should be included in the consulting contract template. Consulting Contract Management consulting can help organizations and business improve their performance through the analysis of existing business problems and development of plans for improvement. Many