wedding ceremony seating plan

as with most aspects of a modern wedding, there’s no one right way to do it. in the most traditional christian, heterosexual weddings, the bride’s parents sit in the first row on the left side of the aisle, while the groom’s parents will fill in the first row on the right side. when it comes to attendees beyond the vips, guests of the bride have traditionally filled in on the bride’s side, while guests of the groom have filled in on the groom’s side. the dates of these guests should also be

traditional top table seating plan

many couples opt for a traditional top table layout but that doesn't always work for everyone. it's your day, so don't think you need to stick with tradition. feel free to arrange your guests in a way that suits you best! in the uk, the bride and groom traditionally sit in the middle with their respective parents and the chief bridesmaid and best man either side of them. however, in the usa parents host their own 'vip' tables with the head table seating the bridal party - bride, groom,

head table wedding seating plan

in addition to figuring out which combination of cousins, coworkers, and childhood friends will be the best dining companions, you’ve got to determine who gets to dine with the guests of honor (ya know—you). if you’re skipping the sweetheart table and placing yourselves front and center at a head table, we’ve got a few ideas for who you might want to invite to sit by your side. if your tables will be arranged around the dance floor, the head table should be directly opposite the band or dj,

seating wedding

before you start seating guests, you'll need to have a game plan for your tables, generally, as the size and shape will dictate how many guests can be seated at each one. is a great way to acknowledge their special role and ensure you're surrounded by your bffs during the reception. while all of your guests will be thrilled to be there and share in your celebrations, no one will likely be as overjoyed as your parents—which is a wonderful thing for them to share together. in addition to

event planning equipment

read on to learn the must-have equipment you need to launch an event planning business, and the approximate cost of these essential items. as the head of an event planning business, your office needs to be wherever you are. you’ll be able to update your event table layouts, add to your to-do list, and share notes and priority tasks with your event planning team as your business grows. your event planning software is cloud-based—you need fast, dependable wifi so you can share updates and ideas

event hall plan

but when event floor plans are designed poorly—it’s all guests notice. knowing the size and layout of the event space is essential. next up: determine the number of people attending the event. pro-tip for event planners: establish the importance of a final headcount at the project kick-off meeting with planning team members and clients. the best audio setups are unobtrusive and customized for the specifics of the event layout, such as low ceilings that impact the acoustics, or overflow wings