wedding advice for the couple

anytime we say goodbye, we always say, 'i love you'; and we make sure to thank the other for all the things we do. it just makes sure you never take the other for granted and they know it." you learn and grow with each other and find new things to love." gain your partner's perspective before rushing to anger. it also takes a lot of trust and respect. not anyone else's, so don't compare it to your friends' relationships. the best advice i can give is don't talk badly about your spouse to other

wedding advice

one thing remains, however: couples must know what works for them and be intentional about weeding out the bad habits that can sink their relationship. you have to strive for contentedness, which is a continuous state of mind, and one that feels doable. but it’s necessary to maintain the assumption that your partner — however flawed and irritating they seem at times — had the best results in mind, despite the result. in this way you will both have pride for yourselves and each other in the

marriage advice wedding reading

and when it subsides you have to make a decision. she is also a free spirit which is a quality i much admire in a dinosaur.” “but he can be so distant and so peculiar at times,” thought the lovely other dinosaur. it is a common search for the good and the beautiful. and you are the guy who’ll decide where to go. and great happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. love is content with the present, hopes for the future, and does not brood over the past. i love his good smell and his

sarcastic wedding advice

those who are in successful, long-term marriages will likely agree that there’s one thing both sides need (in addition to love!) to help make a marriage last: a sense of humor. whether it’s the ability to laugh at each other's flaws or see the comedy in life, being able to lighten the mood can go a long way. and there are plenty of funny marriage quotes that prove it. from movie characters to celebrities, writers, comedians, and politicians, prominent figures haven’t held back when it comes to

pre wedding advice

you might be thinking about if you really can commit to being with one person for the rest of your life. but the feelings are still there, and you have to figure out how to deal with them. she talked us through what to do if you have cold feet and when to pay closer attention to these feelings of uncertainty. it is normal to have many types of feelings before your wedding including anxiety, so you might be wondering if you have cold feet. you might be thinking about if you want to get married

wisdom for newlyweds

we asked some of the married people we know to share their very best marriage advice for newlyweds. it’s the secret to a long and wonderful marriage! make the most of your time and grow together as a couple. if this is becoming a struggle, don’t hesitate to schedule time in as part of every day when you are spending quality time together. it’s definitely the harder option when you are in the middle of a fight, and often you just want to walk away. when he left those dirty socks on the floor,