short marriage advice

“make sure you still pursue interests and hobbies that make you happy. be willing to grow and adapt with your partner. also, being able to pursue interests that you can do together and other things you do individually.” “marriage is never 50/50. each has to be a giver and a taker. don’t forget to say ‘i love you’ and ‘i’m sorry.’” they are the most important words in your marriage.

each morning, we get up to a preprogrammed pot of good coffee, read our bibles, and pray together. you have to be okay with giving your all and receiving little in return. and that’s what it takes to keep the boat afloat. it doesn’t sound romantic, but cooking a favorite meal for or bringing coffee to the other gives a good feeling, and those small things matter.” “to be the best spouse you can be, work on keeping your memory short and your sense of humor strong. we still laugh at each other’s jokes, so a sense of humor also needs to be factored in.” “try to listen to one another.

of course they rarely have a helpful answer for how to overcome the difficulties. it’s a time to establish good patterns and ways of being together that should continue for the rest of your marriage. you never want your home to feel like an office or a hotel that the two of you are just passing through. avoid the temptation to spend all of your time together in your sweatpants. i heard this over and over from tribeswomen in kenya and tanzania, who said they heeded the advice from older women — their marriage mentors — to accept that they wouldn’t learn everything about how to be a wife in a day.

of course you can take care of yourself, but one of the nice things about being married is that you don’t have to shoulder life all on your own. pay attention to the great things your partner does instead of pointing out the negative. after all the excitement of the wedding, it’s natural to feel a dip in your mood. i’m not just talking about novelty in the bedroom (although that would be a good start). the balance of who does what will ebb and flow, and the most important thing is to be conscious of how it changes. jo piazza is the bestselling author of the new memoir how to be married: what i learned from real women on five continents about surviving my first (really hard) year of marriage.

23 damn good pieces of marriage advice ; assume the best of one another stop stonewalling ; communicate respectfully always be flexible. 1. choose to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other. 2. always answer the phone when your husband/wife is “try to listen to one another. don’t go to bed angry. cooperate in taking care of family affairs. know how to say you’re wrong about something., marriage advice funny, marriage advice funny, short marriage advice quotes, marriage advice from old couples, old fashioned marriage advice, funny.

“love, gratitude, compassion, because sometimes every man or every woman will drive their partner crazy. family. fun. laughs. sex. if you don’t 300+ pieces of the best marriage advice for newlyweds 1-always take the time to have alone time together once a week. we have 4 boys and know, marriage advice for newlyweds speech, marriage advice for the bride to be.

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