spiritual advice for newlyweds

if you and your spouse are a christian couple, no matter how young or old you are, there is something that is strategically different about your relationship than simply a marriage as understood by the world at large. if you view your marriage in this way, it will make things line up and anything that happens in your marriage becomes understandable in relation to your prime directive as a disciple of christ. in this light, whatever happens between you can be best understood as god working with/in/for you to grow you and challenge you to new vistas of faith. for which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? ‘” – luke 14:26-30 christian marriage is the greatest thing that god uses to drive you to growth (translate: struggle, quandary, death to self, and emerging into new levels of faith). many of the heroes of faith in hebrews 11 saw something from afar – things that contradicted their current experience – but they believed in the benevolence, relevance, and ability of a promiser.

as a result, we turn the volume down on expectations of marriage, turn the volume down on hopes and lofty dreams, and settle for less. based on some of the above concepts, christian marriage counseling will be entirely different from counseling that has a humanistic foundation and goals. my hope is to help you discover the wonderful joys and strength that lie beneath the pain and trauma you might be facing. whatever challenges you face, i offer you a safe place for you to discover all that god can do for your life. my hope is to help you discover the wonderful joys and strength that lie beneath the pain and trauma you might be facing. whatever challenges you face, i offer you a safe place for you to discover all that god can do for your life.

love is a feeling and can be expressed in words, but the broadest definition of love is not about feelings, but about action. the love of god was no better displayed than on the cross by christ (john 3:16), and that kind of love couldn’t be described in words anyway, but love is a verb; it’s what you do! i know it sounds odd to tell newlyweds to respect one another’s privacy because they’ve just been married, and seeing the couple has just gotten married, it’s going to take some time to adjust to one another. when i say, put god first, that doesn’t mean you neglect your spouse. newlyweds should also learn to depend on god’s strength in their marriage and not depend on their human strength.

what i mean by saying newlyweds should protect the home tur is that when a couple gets married, they should leave their parents out of their marriage, for the most part. i believe it’s unwise to share too much information with your parents when talking about your spouse. that’s why it’s very unwise to live with parents (if they have a choice) or live next door to parents because in-law interference can destabilize a newlyweds marriage…or any marriage. the bible commands all christians to “love one another with brotherly affection. to honor, cherish, and love your spouse, means you show that in deed, by being courteous, kind, and loving, but also forgiving. take advantage of these resources, but also keep having fun together, and laughing together, and serving one another.

1. the “honeymoon phase” is a blast, but it’s superficial. 2. don’t expect your spouse to “complete” you. 3. the importance of communication 1. realize that christian marriage is part of your discipleship. 2. make your spouse your number one priority. 3. evaluate and adjust your you hear a lot of advice before you get married. “keep a date night.” “never go to bed angry.” “make your relationship the first priority.”., words of wisdom for newlyweds, words of wisdom for newlyweds, funny advice for newlyweds, biblical advice for new bride, christian marriage advice for wives.

what advice do you give to newlyweds? remember god learn to communicate guard your marriage and keep things private honor your spouse. the best christian marriage advice for young couples is to remember to talk to each other every day. in addition, make time outside of your kids to sit down and “and let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but, marriage advice for young couples, marriage advice for newlyweds speech.

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