wedding anniversary advice

living with my husband that first year made me realize for the first time how selfish i really was. last time my husband and i were gridlocked over an issue that was minor but loaded with significance all the same, i happened to sit down to sort through some old papers. i love lisa mcminn’s pithy quote:  “a strong marriage is one in which the husband and wife say to each other, ‘i am highly committed to your growth as a person. my husband and i have had so much fun planning and dreaming about our future over the years. i think there are too many spokeswomen for the opposite positions, and it’s refreshing to hear your frankness on these issues. my husband and i have been married for almost 2 years, one thing that helps us out a lot is when we get to upset to work out a problem we take a “time out” to get thoughts and emotions under control before discussing the issue again.

i tend to be slightly ocd about things and would get so upset when my husband didn’t make the bed the exact way i wanted. and we had the same experience in our marriage when i started to work. some of you, like me, may be suprised by the depth of love that you have for your children and would be happy to play “mother” for the rest of your lives. it took us 3 years to realize that my husband and i meant different things by the word “leave.” when he said he wanted to leave by a certain time, it meant he wanted to be in the car ready to drive away. i love your story about the word “leave.” it’s a little thing, but i can imagine how that made a huge difference in your family dynamics. however, it is really causing a strain on me to the point where i am thinking of escaping for a short while but don’t know where. some people are just not morning people, and you can waste a lot of energy worrying why your partner is angry at you just because they scowl and won’t talk in the morning.

in honor of our anniversary, we want to share some friendly advice with our followers about what we have learned during the course of our marriage. a wedding anniversary should be a time to remember your vows to one another and the lifelong covenant you made. you will also have married couples who are a bit ahead of you in terms of how long they’ve been married – these couples can be great mentors to you and your spouse. serving is a great way to stay in tune with one another, and it helps you both keep christ at the center of your relationship.

follow the advice we find in ephesians 4:32, “be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in christ god forgave you.” no person is without sin, and no marriage is without conflict. you can avoid a lot of arguments by learning to let go of things that are only issues of personal preference and not critical matters. this is also the timeless advice we read in james 1:19, and please don’t forget this james was the brother of jesus. don’t even try to communicate with a man who’s angry. the church’s mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with jesus christ.

forgive and forgive some more. follow the advice we find in ephesians 4:32, “be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in christ 1. do stuff together. be active together. 2. celebrate your traditions. have a ritual. 3. hang out with other people whose presence you & your assume the best of one another stop stonewalling ; communicate respectfully always be flexible ; curiosity saves couples be willing to grow and, advice for newly married couple, advice for newly married couple, how to improve marriage after 20 years, best marriage advice i ever got, advice for the bride to be.

philip and i both work from home, but we’re literally texting each other all day as we work, exercise, or do carpool, just as we would our best today philip and i are celebrating thirteen years of marriage! in celebration of our wedding anniversary, we wanted to share 13 pieces of marriage advice when it comes to the first year of marriage, it can easily be a difficult year. so if you just put the ring on or consider yourself a newlywed,, advice for a new wife, cute wedding advice, terrible marriage advice funny, marriage advice from single friend. 10 things i’ve learned about love after 10 years of marriagebe on each other’s side no matter what. forget the ledger. marriage can make you feel like a bad person. treat your husband like your child. boring is okay. don’t let your husband become something on your to-do list. laugh at yourself.

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