wedding budget 30000

you might think it sounds excessive but it’s a simple way for you and your partner to keep on top of w-day expenditure; and of course, the beauty of sheets is you can both update it from anywhere, at any time. if the thought of saying ‘i do’ overseas appeals, you could also consider a destination wedding: of course, it won’t just be you who forks out for this as your guests will also have to pay for flights and accommodation. with a little more money in the bank, you can afford to consider more bespoke options for your wedding stationery.

when it comes to your jewellery, shop around for something that you can wear again after the big day: a beautiful necklace, perhaps, or a timeless pair of earrings. approach a colour of florists and find out how feasible what you want is in relation to what you can spend. if you want a ‘live’ feel, add a saxophonist or a vocalist to accompany them.” of course, it depends on where you want to go and how soon after your wedding you want to leave. remember, you don’t need to blow a fortune on your honeymoon really: after all, you’ve got a whole lifetime to explore the world together, no?

for a lot of people, i think it’s a matter of priorities: they’ve thought things through and the idea of a big wedding and all that goes with it (fun times with family, a great party and so on) is worth it. so, i wish my friends all the happiness in the world — a beautiful wedding and a wonderful marriage. i think a big reason why is you are not in debt after the wedding or are less in debt than those that spent more. if while planning your wedding you think that half of the weddings end in divorce so i don’t want to spend too much, then you shouldn’t be getting married. there are people they pointed out jealousy and that is often correct as to what is wrong with a lot of you soulless individuals. 3. it’s none of your business my parents will likely contribute to my wedding in a way that it brings the budget up past anything i could ever afford on my own. the last wedding i went to was in the $1million range-in sf. that you cant say the money could be used for “better” reasons or given to charity because then none of us should ever enjoy a luxury and we should give it all away. 1. im at work and dont have time to make sure my punctuation is 100% and 2. i dont need a job, i have a great one but thank you. as far as natural disasters, a snow storm is the worst we have to deal with and a possible tornado, but we arent not going to buy a house on a lake because of possible natural disaster in michigan. it’s not showing off when you worked hard to get a great education and job that allows you to have the means to celebrate in any way you want. then, we b0th have a lot of friends (we have 6 each in the wedding party) and we are in our 30’s. i know it’s a very tough pill to swallow but some of us have worked very hard to get to a point in life to have the means to get what we really want and if a lavish wedding is what we want, why should we be apologetic about it? i think we all agree that how one chooses to spend either money or time is their own business, it was just a topic of conversation and interesting to read the various opinions; however, no one should be accusatory or holier than thou. we actually haven’t spent a penny that we didn’t earn or save up (nothing in debt) and all of the cost cutting has gone on our end so that we can accommodate our families because they want to be at our wedding. the wedding is an occasion to make a series of promises in front of witnesses about how you plan to spend the rest of your life and who you plan to spend it with. frankly, i couldn’t wait to get out of there and on with our lives. i have reread several comments, however, and notice that the most vehement ones seem to be from those who are trying to “defend” their expenditures while the majority of opposing views are expressed in a calmer and more theoretical manner. what a waste, you could be fishing and providing food to the hungry?!!! we spent a large amount of money on our wedding and would do it again! it is quite possible that you are older but in my 40s with a family and my focus is my daughter and wife. i wouldn’t take up betting since you apparently aren’t quick on the draw and have figured out that only you in this conversation are consumed with the costs and gifts of a wedding. there is a very good chance that i am older than you and when i was your age, i was also (very!) we have a wedding gift budget for people and it was established without concern for the cost of the wedding. i think where you come from might be different that us and that is ok, but where i come from, it is normal to spend that much on a wedding and it is normal to have showers and bachelor parties, etc. and you defend spending that much because it is to “honor” the marriage? i don’t really have to get out more and of course you should cover the cost of your plate. i did not want a hall wedding or to get married in the courts, so i went with a nicer venue but it is still not ridiculous. “different cultures have a certain expectation of wedding gifts.” she says some cultures expect you to cover the cost of your plate — and then some. it is people showing off and trying to be the center of attention. is that just a way to try and invalidate her?

my husband and i spent little on our rings and we got married by a judge in under a weeks notice speeding up the date of our wedding by a year to save money on school costs and we are the happiest couple we know. and unfortunately if you want to have all the guests you want that’s the kind of price you are looking at. also like a lot of weddings, it is for the parents and not the children. and as the bride’s psuedo sister-in-law, i was expected to bring a gift to all five of her showers. i love watching wedding dress shows like say yes to the dress where women supposedly……spend thousands and thousands of dollars for a dress. with respect, i didn’t get the sense that this piece is telling people how to spend their money; the author makes it a point not to raise the issue with friends or even to say that expensive weddings are bad. why is it verboten to discuss the cost of a wedding–it used to be we couldn’t talk about religion or politics. i have a whole new perspective of wedding planning and the over priced cost of everything. not because i am materialistic but because my fiance and i both have very big families and that is just how it is. i don’t see the point of throwing a big party for guests, they should be throwing it for you if anything. if you want to have a $30,000 wedding, fine but really it should be the wedding couple’s own money. mine is going to be around 30k and honestly, for my group of friends and social circle, that is cheap. i’m sure i can come up with a better combo than the texas board of executions. my fiance and i have good jobs, good retirement, good health care and dont have a burden of debt. my friend is doing a destination wedding on the beach next summer and i know its going to be absolutely perfect. everyone had a wonderful, deeply resonant and memorable time–and it cost me (as the bride’s father, i paid for everything) about $11k. i’ve also noticed that friends who seem to have the expectation of a giant wedding continue that “entitled” attitude in their marriage as well. my fiance and i have zero debt other than our house (which really isn’t debt) plus my parents are paying for the majority of it because they want to and because they can afford it. this day is not just for her to be the star of the show. we worked hard to live comfortably and have a big wedding (my wife and i have huge families). o and my husband was by my side planning every part of it, he wanted it to be a nice as i wanted it to be too. i didn’t have a fancy wedding and so on for any other reason that i wanted my wife to be, to be the star of the day. if you grow up with a realistic world view,then you are not expecting to be the center of the world,even on your wedding parents never lived in luxury.they had a difficult life. i had someone say my husband and his family must have rejected me since he is east indian and all east indian have grand and glorious bollywood blowouts.if i had a simple wedding paid for by the 2 of us,he must have been disowned. i wanted my family and friends and the handsomest man in the world for a husband. to them it was about having a party where they could outdo one another, and it was a competition to see who could have the coolest party. it is a commemoration of the fact that a child has reached the age of majority according to jewish custom and ritual. i am 30, my fiance and i both have jobs and are having the wedding we as adults want to have. i have been in a long-term relationship for over seven years, and although we present ourselves as a married couple, eventually we’ll get around to tying the knot. “i have been in a long-term relationship for over seven years, and although we present ourselves as a married couple, eventually we’ll get around to tying the knot. we spent a bit more than $200 (more like $2k as we wanted to have an open bar and had 75 guests)—but i happen to agree with the author when it came to funding our wedding. other people seem to really like to do the expensive weddings, and it seems like they are not a stable way to start a marriage.

you’re looking at a dress budget of about $2,100, $600 for accessories and $300 to spend on your hair and makeup. then you have about $300 left over for your a $30,000 wedding budget breakdown church/ceremony rental: $400 wedding planner: $2,800 reception venue and full-service catering: $17,000, it may come as a surprise how much weddings actually cost — according to multiple studies, the average wedding cost adds up to $30000., 3 000 wedding budget, 3 000 wedding budget, wedding budget breakdown $40,000, $30k wedding budget reddit, $8,000 wedding budget.

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